Grammar of votic
A a, B b, D d, Ď d', E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j, K k, L l, Ľ l', M m, N n, Ńń, O o, P p, R r, Ŕŕ, S s, Š š, Śś, T t, Ť t', Ts ts, Tš tš, U u, V v, Z z, Ž ž, Źź, Õ õ, Ä ä, Ö ö, Ü ü
The endings of the cases can vary alot in many cases but are very predictable when you learn more.
Nominatives ending - plural d
dictionary form
Miä avaan uhzõd = i open the doors
Miä avazin uhzõd = i opened the doors
Consonant gradiation
In votic when words are conjucated some letters change
1) kk → k; pp→p; tt→t; ss→s; šš→š; ttš→tš, ďď.
2) k→g ( fk→vg; hk→hg; lk→lg; nk→ng; pk→bg; rk→rg; sk→zg, zz; šk→žg; tk→dg ).
3) p→v ( lp→lv; mp→mm; rp→rv )
4) t→ - ,ďď ( ht→h; lt→ll, l; nt→nn, n; rt→rr, r ).
5) s→z (hs→hz; rs→rz )
6) š→ž.
7) tš→ď, - , g( htš→hj, sk, z g, zz, zď; ltš→lg, l l; ntš→nď, nn; rtš→rj, rď, rg )
Genetive "´s" "of"
ko = house
miä teen koo = i build a house
miä tein koo = i made a house
miä = me
siä = you
tämä = he, she
se = it
müü = we, us
nämä(d) = these
ned = those
"to be" ( õlla) conjucated
Positive form
- Miä õõn
- Siä õõd
- Tämä on
- Müü õõmmõ
- Tüü õõttõ
- Nämä õlla
Negative form
- Miä en õõ
- Siä ed õõ
- Tämä eb õõ
- Müü emmä õõ
- Tüü että õ
- Nämä eväd õõ
Illatives ( into, in )
Tämä meeb lidnaa = he/she goes to the city
Õikõasõ tšätee = in the right hand
Minun õma = mine
Sinun õma = your
Tämän õma = his, her
Mejje õma = our
Tejje õma = yours
Näjje õma = theirs
Inessive ( in, inside, to ) Z ending usualy
Tämä eläb lidnaz = he lives in the city
Tämä tšävvi lidnaz = he went to the city
Elative ( source, from )
tämä meeb lidnass = he came from the city
Verbs the word "to be" conjucated
- miä õlin
- siä õlid
- tämä õli
- myy õlimmõ
- tyy õlittö
- nämä õlti
Negative form
- miä en õllud
- siä ed õllud
- tämä eb õllud
- myy emmä õllud
- tyy että õllud
- nämä eväd õltu
Allative (to, outside, onto ) ( usualy L followed by another letter )
Nõisa katolõ = climb to the foor
Adessive ( at, on ) ( usualy double all )
issua katoll = sitting on the roof
Ablative ( from ) usualy LT with a vowel before it
katolt = from a roof
Translative ( into, change ) ( susali ssi ending and some vowels before it )
naizõssi = becoming a wife
Essive ( as ) N followed by a vowel and a vowel before it
Õlla läsivänä = as sick
Cominative ( with ) k and vowels after and before it
lahzõka elää to live with a baby
Miä = i, me
( Miä õõn = i am )
Siä = you
( siä õõd = you are )
Tämä = he, she it
(Tämä on = he is )
Müü = we, us
( Müü õõmmõ= we are )
Tüü = you
( Tüü õõttõ = you are )
Nämä(d) = they
( Nämäd õlla = they are )
õlla = to be
( kõnz õõmmõ = when we are )
ned = they, those
( Ned joohsa = they run )
joohsa = to run
( siä veelä joohzed = you still run )
tšeeli = language
( Mejje tšeeli on vad'd'a tšeeli = our language is Votic )
tšen = who
( tšen siä õõd? = who are you? )
päivä = day
( tere päivä = good day )
kui = how
( kui meneb = how are you )
Vad'd'alain = Votian
( Vad'd'alaizõd õlla seel = The Votians are there )
Flakku = flag
( Vad'd'a flakku on üvä = The Votic flag is good )
Tol'ko = only
( Tol'ko ned õlla = only they are )
Susseda = neighbour
( Minu sussedad õlla minu sõbrad = My neighbours are my friends )
Sõbra = friend
( Minull eb õõ pal'l'o sõbriit = i do not have many friends )
Soomõ = Finland
( Miä õõn Soomõz = i am in Finland )
Viro = Estonia
( Siä õõd Soomõz = You are in Finland )
Soo = swamp
( Miä õõn Sooz = i am in the swamp )
Maa = country, land, terrain
( Minu maa on Soomõ = my country is Finland )
Esimein = first
( Miä õõn esimein = i am the first )
Tõin = second
( miä õõn tõin = i am the second )
vokaalõgarmoonija = Vowel harmony
( Vad'd'az on vokaalõgarmoonija = the Votic language has vowel harmony )
tšülä = village
( Jõgõperä on vad'd'alain tšülä = Krakolye is a votic village )
Formõ = form
( Sõnaformõ = word form )
Sõna = word
( Se on tol'ko peen sõna = it is only a small word )
Peen = small
( Tämä on peen =he is small )
ńako = face
( sinull on ńako = you have a face )
kraaska = paint
( Minull ei õõ kraaskaa = i do not have paint )
kumpõ = that, who, wich, any
( tämä on se kumpõ õli seell = he is the one who was there)
kummõd = who, that, whom
( õõttõko tüü ned kummõd õlti seel? = are you the ones who were there? )
tšipiä = sick
( Miä en õõ tšipiä = i am not sick )
pere = family
( minu pere on ahkõra = my family is hard-working )
seel = there
( seel õlla kõik = there is everyone )
kõik = everyone, everybody
(Kõik ned õlla = every one of them is )
Ned = they, them, those
( Ned õlla = they are )
da = and
i = and
( da siä õõd = and you are )
Vot = here
( vaatõ! vot on gaada = Look! here is a snake )
vaattõ= to look, to watch, to see
( vaatammõ nüd = we are watching (it) now )
avittaa = to help
(avita minua = help me )
kõrkõa = tall
( kõrkõa inemin = tall human )
Inemin = human, person
( siä õõd inemin )
toož = also
( siä toož suvad sitä? = you also like it? )
üvi = very
( üvi üvä = very good )
vana = old
( üvii vana = very old )
kase = that
( kase on lippu= that is a flag )
gerbõ = coat of arms
( vad'd'a gerbõ = the Votian coat of arms )
tširja = book
( minu tširjad = my books )
sõnatširja = dictionary
( Vad'd'a-soomõ sõnatširja = Votic-Finnish dictionary )
suur(i) = big, huge
( se on üvi suur = it is very big )
karu = bear
( karud õlla metsäz = the bears are in the forest )
mettsä = forest
( mettsäz miä õõn = i am in the forest )
Jõka = every
( Jõka vad'd'alain ei pajatõ vad'd'assi = not every Votian speaks Votic )
elä = do not, not
( elä nüd = do not now )
ühs = 1
( ühs õpõttaja = 1 teacher )
õpõttaja = teacher
( minull on ühs õpõttaja = i have one teacher )
sinin = blue
( sinin on kauniz = blue is beatifull )
istorija = history
( Istorijaz on pal'lõ sõtaa = there is alot of war in history )
dovarišša = comrade, friend
( minu dovarišša on üvä = my friend is good )
Võija = too be able to, can
( Miä võin tehhä sene = i can do it )
hot' = even tough
( hot' miä õõn = even tough i am
noori = young
( noorõd vad'd'alaizõd = young Votians )
nain = woman
( Naizõd = women )
oomõnna = tomorrow
( oomõnna on tševäd = tomorrow is spring )
tševäd = spring
( tševäd on nüd = spring is now)
Numeraalõ = numeral
Voosi = year
( Voosi 2020 = year 2020 )
egle = yesterday
( egle miä õlin ätšiä = yesterday i was angry )
ätšiä = angry
( miä õõn ätšiä = i am angry )
lumi = snow
žääli = regret, pity
( elä žääli = do not regret )
se = it
( se on suur = it is big )
tšüzüä = to ask
( miä tšüzün = i ask )
ize = myself
( miä õõn ize = i am myself )
järvi = lake
( Järvez on pal'l'o kaloja = there are alot of fish in the lake )
Kala = fish
( minu kalad = my fishes )
kana = chicken
( minu kanad = my chicken )
kaukaalõ = far away
( kaukaalõ õlla minu kanad = my chickens are far away
koolla = to die
( elä kookeb = do not die )
laďďa = wide
( se on laďďa = it is wide )
laiskuz = laziness
(minull on tol'ko laiskuz = i only have laziness )
õma = own, 's
( minu õma = my own )
( sinu õma = your own )
( tämä õma = his own )
( meije õma = our )
Lõunaz = south
( miä õõn lõna-koraz = i am in south korea )
itä = east
( itä euroopaz on Venäjä = in east europe there is russia
läns = west
( läns eurooppa = west europe )
Venäjä = russia
( Vad'd'amaa on Venäjäz = Voteland is in Russia )
Vad'd'amaa = Voteland ( the villages where Votes live(d) )
( Vad'd'amaaz pajatõta vad'd'assi = in Voteland they speak votic )
pajattõa= to speak
( Pajatõmmõ vad'd'assi = we speak votic )
jalka = leg
( minu jalka eb õõ suur = my leg is not big )
ala = under
( sinu ala on tšivi = under you is a stone )
tšivi = stone
( tol'ko peen määrä tšivess õlla suur = only a few stones are huge )
lidna = city
( Soomõ päälidna on Helsinki = the capital of Finland is Helskini )
pää = head, main
( minu pää = my head )
jää = ice
( jää on tšülmää = ice is cold )
tšülmä = cold
( se on tšülmä = it is cold )
tšiini = closed
( uhsi on tšiini = the door is closed )
uhsi = door
( minu uhsi = my door )
lühüd = short
( miä en õõ lühüd = i am not short )
müvvä = to sell
( miä en tahdo müvvä sitä = i do not wanna sell it
kuu = moon
( kuu on valkõa = the moon is white )
üü = night
( nüd on üü = now is night )
pühä = holy
( pühä üü = holy night )
üli = over
( mene sene üli! = go over it )
leipä = bread
( miä en suvva leivässe = i do not like bread )
kase = that
( kase on minu = that is mine )
med'd'ee / meije = our
( med'd'ee pere = our family )
vana = old
( minu emä on vana = my mom is old )
no / muttõ = but
( no miä en laula = but i do not sing )
laulõa = to sing
( laulammõ seelä = we sing there )
siiz = then, afterwards
( siiz miä meen = then i go )
autši = open
( se on autši = it is open )
stooli = chair
( katso stoolia, seelä se võib õlla = look at the chair, it can be there )
jävvä = to stay
( elä jää = do not stay )
škoulu = school
( jõgõperä vad'd'alain škoulu = krakoluye's votic school )
kura = left
( kuraz meije maass on vad'd'amaa = left of our land is voticland )
muna = egg
( kana munad = chicken eggs )
Kõrva = ear
( minu kõrva kuulõb = my ear hears )
taivaz = sky
( taivaz on sinin = the sky is blue )
kül = yes
( kül siä võid = yes you can )
duumata = to think
( miä duumazin što siä ed õõ tämä = i tought that you were not him )
što = what, that
( što siä pajatad = what are you saying )
kul'tura = cultture
( vad'd'alain kul'tura = votic cultture
õnnõkaz = happy
( miä õõn õnnõkaz = i am happy )